
Software Overview

High-Rate Sensing

mCerebrum is a mobile phone software platform that can be used to collect both high-rate raw sensor data and associated labels in the field.

Multi-Sensor Field Studies

mCerebrum supports seamless sharing of streaming data from multiple sensors to enable computation of multi-sensor biomarkers (e.g., sress, smoking, eating), which can be remotely monitored through Cerebral Cortex.

Real-Time Data Quality Monitoring

mCerebrum supports real-time assessment of data quality to ensure data fidelity which is couple with Cerebral Cortex real-time montoring capabilities.

Marker Development and Validation

Cerebral Cortex supports population-scale data analysis and visualzation to enable marker development and validation.

To Monitor Health Wellness and Work Performance

mCerebrum aims to unleash a new wave of innovative research in the assessment and improvement of everyday job performance.

Real-Time Biomarker Computation

mCerebrum is architecturally scalable to support concurrent computation of a large number of biomarkers (each of which requires complex processing) without saturating the computational capacity or battery life of a mobile phone.

Sensor-Triggered Mobile Interventions

mCerebrum supports the sense-analyze-act paradigm to aid the development and evaluation of sensor-triggered interventions

Mobile Sensor Big-Data

mCerebrum allows for high-frequency raw sensor data collection (800+ Hz for 70+ million samples/day), processing, and storage (~2GB/day) and is coupled with Cerebral Cortex which scales to 1,000s of concurrent mCerebrum instances and 100s of terabytes of data.




Copyright © 2020 MD2K. MD2K was established by the National Institutes of Health Big Data to Knowledge Initiative (Grant #1U54EB020404)
Team: Cornell Tech, GA Tech, Harvard, U. Memphis, Northwestern, Ohio State, UCLA, UCSD, UCSF, UMass, U. Michigan, U. Utah, WVU