
An Open Source Software Suite for Mobile Sensor Data

Please visit the Getting Started page to learn how to download our smartphone software and collect data using phone sensors with our default configuration.

mCerebrum Overview

mCerebrum is a configurable smartphone software platform for mobile and wearable sensors. mCerebrum is open-source and provides support for reliable real-time data collection. The software is fully configurable and can be used with multiple sensors simultaneously to collect a wide variety of data at hundreds of data points per second.

Even at this high frequency, our software continuously takes steps to evaluate data quality and maintain the integrity of sensor data by using advanced analytics to convert streaming sensor data into markers of health, behavior, and risk factors (such as stress, smoking, eating and activity).

With mCerebrum, these markers obtained from sensor data can be used to trigger mobile interventions or to solicit self-reports. To fulfill the vision of precision medicine, mCerebrum facilitates novel ways to return health data back to the user to improve their engagement, bringing a modern approach to preventative medicine that stays one step ahead in today’s rapidly changing world.

Adopting mCerebrum

The MD2K software platform is fully configurable and open-source. We invite you to use our software and we welcome contributions from anyone who is interested in improving mobile health. Please visit our MD2K GitHub organization and MD2K Under the Hood pages for more information.