
Student Profile: Yamin Tun

The MD2K Center has not only brought together the top investigators in mobile health, but also a group of dedicated student researchers who work with them. This is the one in a series of profiles of the students and postdoctoral scholars who are working with the center.

Yamin Tun

Yamin Tun is a computer science graduate student at the University of Massachusetts Amherst, where she is advised by Dr. Deepak Ganesan. Originally from Yangon, Burma, she earned her bachelor's degree in engineering from Smith College. Tun became interested in the MD2K Center through her work with the UMass Amherst Sensor Lab.>

"It is good to be able to share ideas and collaborate with other students and faculty who have similar research interests," she said.

Her primary research interests are wearable devices, low-power eye trackers and low-power real-time image recognition.




Copyright © 2020 MD2K. MD2K was established by the National Institutes of Health Big Data to Knowledge Initiative (Grant #1U54EB020404)
Team: Cornell Tech, GA Tech, Harvard, U. Memphis, Northwestern, Ohio State, UCLA, UCSD, UCSF, UMass, U. Michigan, U. Utah, WVU