
Student Profile: Shang-Tse Chen

The MD2K Center has not only brought together the top investigators in mobile health, but also a group of dedicated student researchers who work with them. This is the one in a series of profiles of the Ph.D. students and postdoctoral scholars who are working with the center.

Shang-Tse Chen

Shang-Tse Chen is a second-year Ph.D. student at Georgia Institute of Technology. Chen grew up in Kaohsiung, Taiwan, and earned his bachelor's degree from the National Taiwan University in Taipei. After working for two years as a research assistant at Academia Sinica, a top research institute in Taiwan, Chen began his studies at Georgia Tech.

"When I first came to Georgia Tech, I worked more in the theoretical side of machine learning," Chen said. When he changed advisors to Dr. Polo Chau, one of the investigators for the MD2K Center, he became interested in the MD2K project.

"I felt really excited that I can use my knowledge and skills to really add value to society and impact people's lives," he said. His main research area of interest is large-scale and distributed machine learning and data mining.

"My research goal is to combine theoretical and practical parts of machine learning," Chen said. "I hope to apply the theoretical knowledge that I learn to applications that can benefit our society."





Copyright © 2020 MD2K. MD2K was established by the National Institutes of Health Big Data to Knowledge Initiative (Grant #1U54EB020404)
Team: Cornell Tech, GA Tech, Harvard, U. Memphis, Northwestern, Ohio State, UCLA, UCSD, UCSF, UMass, U. Michigan, U. Utah, WVU